BARK Packet Radio
BERRY Node on 145.050 MHz View the Packet Net Roll Call Roster
Packet Radio is Still Alive
FREQUENCIES.... Packet radio (AX25) operates on Very High Frequency (VHF), Ultra High Frequency (UHF) and High Frequency (HF or short-wave) bands. Packet is a digital mode which transfers data, similar to the internet, but at a much slower transfer rate of 1200 baud (on VHF bands).
Several BBS stations are now operating in northern California, from the North Bay to the foothills. They are tied together via forwarding backbones and can forward packet messages with or without the use of commercial internet infrastructure.
The following Packet Stations operate full time as kbd-kbd nodes and digipeaters so that they can relay messages for other Ham operators who wish to use them and need the signal relay capability to reach a distant packet station. More than one station can be used to relay messages and may be linked in a relay chain.
Contact Information for K-Net Packet Stations and Nodes in the Sacramento and East Bay area:
Station MBX Network Node KaNode Location
Call Call Node Call Call
WB6YNM-5 BERRY/KBERR Network Node on Berryessa Peak
On 145.05 MHz
The BBS is named BBOX
Operation 24/7 on A/C Power with Solar Back Up
WB6YNM, Al - Web Page: http://www.varmintal.com/ahamp.htm
On 145.05 MHz
WB6YNM WB6YNM-3 BETHEL/KBETH Bethel Island Network Node
WB6YNM-1 Mail Box
KF6ANX-4 JOHN/KJOHN Network Node near Livermore, CA
On 145.05 MHz